soldierheart wrote in suaday Aug 15, 2011 02:30
month: august, *2011, scans: photobook, photobook: mine
soldierheart wrote in suaday Jul 05, 2011 01:07
month: july, livin it up for tonight, photobook: special 2010-2011, *2011, scans: photobook, smiley!su, damn hips, concert: jyj worldwide 2011, hello arms, pretty mouth
soldierheart wrote in suaday Jun 15, 2011 00:20
tiny hands, cha-cha-charisma, with: yoochun, month: june, *2011, sexiah, how can one be so beautiful?, concert: jyj worldwide 2011, scans: photobook, who's that handsome boy, hello arms, photobook: world tour concert in busan, with: jaejoong
junsoul wrote in suaday May 24, 2011 22:39
wai so cute, xiahzart, xiahzart!, i'm crying tears of heaven, month: may, *2011, scans: photobook, smiley!su, so precious, is it hot in here or what?
junsoul wrote in suaday Jan 11, 2011 22:57
scans: album, wai so gorg, sexy junsu!, ♡♡♡, month: january, *2011, scans: photobook, so precious
itsplashes wrote in suaday Nov 25, 2010 22:38
jawline, unf su, *2010, gqmf, hawtness overload, era: the beginning, ♡♡♡, month: november, sexiah, scans: photobook, insert keysmash here, hello arms, is it hot in here or what?
junsoul wrote in suaday Oct 13, 2010 23:05
su lights up my life, white = sexayye, *2010, month: october, drop dead gorgeous, scans: photobook, smiley!su, event: jyj showcase, so precious
junsoul wrote in suaday Oct 07, 2010 23:37
xiahzart, xiahzart!, insert keysmash here, scans: photobook, month: october, ♡♡♡
junsoul wrote in suaday May 09, 2010 23:12
month: may, *2010, photobook: bonjour paris, scans: photobook, so precious
junsoul wrote in suaday Apr 13, 2010 23:46
how can one be so beautiful?, *2010, photobook: travel sketches in l.a, scans: photobook, so precious, blonde junsu, month: april